1950 until the middle of the plain districts of our county high another splash of color in every season traced their ministers. Autumn and winter, light brown, gray or nearly black color is the majority, cast leaves willow, elm, walnut, quince and a depressing view of the vineyards sergilerlerdi omacaları blackish. However, these days, even in the first months of spring floods in the Copper River, near attractions such small-scale field and blend into lakes, plains rail trains passing by dividing the İzmir-Banda waving black smoke like you're going on the mirror oluştururlardı pleasing images. May start to appear from the middle of the heaps of greens and white Gelenbe highway (at the mouth of the people "Susa"), the two sides would extend for miles to the east of covering the vast vineyards.
Early on in the middle of summer sprouts dark green leaves that turn green ties between them remaining as a patch of melons, watermelons, cotton, pea, tobacco, corn and other crops are cultivated in different shades of green fields, with nearly stood in the race.
Ties and appropriate spaces between the trees "Dam" so-called, most single-storey link houses were found. Common to all small or big, as well, just in front of a suction pump planted flower and vegetable gardens do was to find an area widely. Taşınılmadan a checkerboard flower and vegetable seedlings, planted during cleaning and painting. Roofs whitewash would usually white. But while most of the remaining excess of the drug in a pit called bluestone dökmektense Winemakers, salivate profusely roofing and exterior walls with pressure pumps would paint a beautiful sky blue color. This is a charming than the roofs of the beautiful harmony of green and blue would do.
The initial days of the Greeks as rich as the national struggle "User" and it houses the majestic vineyards and plains Kırkağaç and copper as well as listened to the most exclusive parts of the assets of our ancestors. The latest example of copper present within the Borough of these "Erol's Place," he said of the structure where the floor. In 1926, through the acquisition of the ownership of the hair Mustafa Efe "Yorgo Kullesi" There is no residue from the extant
Tobacco cultivation in the 1950s to encourage votes converted to a product as a result of political concern, many grapes in a vineyard Kırkağaç Plain and the Aegean, the massacre took place. Strong upper layers of the soil removed vineyards decares 750 kg in some areas. "When the product reaches a remaining bonds is also almost completely removed. Lost for hundreds of years with ongoing ties "Vineyard neighborhoods" in the past. Summer nights, especially the beloved children's fairy tale (torch), burning sparklers throwing stars and instrumental worlds, neighborhoods singing and dancing at night, Game Removing shows, in the light of flickering torches, roofing crew ridings stayed just as beautiful memories. From the use of pesticides and artificial fertilizers because of the strong tobacco farming fertile soil barren ovamızın. Meanwhile, the life of many fellow townsman was an accident. Because at that time "Folidol" was seen as the most practical way to commit suicide.
Ovamızın for the same reasons that the existence of a wide variety of wild animals, which had its share of Crimea. At first, people flee like a stray dog on the plain in every season, including coyote, badger, hare, marten, fox, squirrels, weasels, moles and hedgehogs as pets no longer available. Birds toy, demoiselle, ala partridge, ruffed grouse partridge, little bustard, sergeant bird, shepherds cheating, blackbirds, bee-eater, yellow vine, thrush (Buruce), we can see three or four varieties vultures, falcon, hawk, kestrel, wood dove, eagle (large owls) and many more. Most of them do not even know the citizens of today's young, some are now pictures, TV documentaries remember him. They are held in Copper Stream networks and freshwater oltalarla kefallarını, red wings, to fish eels tadamadılar mustache. 0 dear vineyards hanging golden seedless sultaniyelerini in the morning, I'm about to serinliğiyle finger steamed grapes, damask vines, fragrant black marbles, crazy, black, yediverenleri, razakıları, sugar pink pomegranate grapes Is it possible to forget?
The only consolation is that these mistakes are now largely revisited now. Ties of grapes grown in re-work, and more importantly, the famous symbol of Kırkağaç'ın kavunlarımızın pleasing taste to start coming into place.
We wish the Aegean, with the most efficient plain old fertility reaches all the products in our district. Çolum'lu chickpeas favorite manufacturers and "make us Kırkağaç chickpeas chickpeas and testament grandfather," said Çorumlu not be able to forget those words of the masters. On behalf of all the Kırkağaçlılar chickpea acreage is now gratifying to learn enlarged.
Yearbooks Ottoman period (annuals), melon, grapes, cotton, Indian cotton (sown many years, camel-colored cotton genus), tobacco, poppy, olives, walnuts, and all kinds of fruits and vegetables, as the products are listed in ovamızın . Kırkağaç'taki of olive is one of the most important agricultural activities. Not trained a generation of post items received, from the Greeks classic olive groves are still present, but the product that after 3-4 years "to Tirili" type of olive cultivation in recent years started to become highly popular.
But of course, that the melon has a special place among them. Because almost Kırkağaç name has become synonymous with melon. In fact, in terms of Akhisar guests from Kırkağaç'a melon is a beautiful statue of the symbol before anyone else meets Kırkağaç'ın.
No other color of the soil and climate Kırkağaç melons, melon nefaset his weight and grow. This product Kırkağaç people sayings, poems, folk songs, traditions and customs came. Melon heard about for years, you surely know the story recited hemşerimizin income. For example, a well gurbetteki şehrimizle, Kırkağaç'a of the narrator is going through an interview said:
- Did you go to Kırkağaç'a '?
- I went.
- Did you eat melons?
- I already ate.
- The shell is carved with a spoon?
- Kazımadım.
- 0 when you have not gone Kırkağaç'a friend!
Here, of course, it is to be emphasized in a separate part of the famous Kırkağaç melon flavor is that close to the shell. So I cut with a knife sliced melon Kırkağaçlılar that's close to the rest of the shell is a kind of meat kıyamazlar take part.
The following story about the unique flavor of the melon is another phenomenon Kırkağaç:
Vefik as ambassador in Paris in 1861-1862 Ahmet Pasha, attended by ambassadors, other foreign countries are invited to a formal dinner. Meals eaten. As well as fruit chapter presents melon. Pasha slices on a plate in the form of long pieces of rind and looks. French melons, juicy and soft as he thinks in his own country to eat, put aside the fork and knife, or spoon waitress. Spoons are, but it's hard to be what you eat melon with a spoon! In the meantime, fork and knife instead of a spoon to eat melon looking to work with a wry smile when you see the other public men, leaving spoon fork and a knife in a few parts. Pasha, after a while this time, their embassy organizes a similar meal. Especially invite the same people. But I wanted to Manioc telegram invited to Istanbul before and reached the hands of the order as soon as possible. As well as catering services melons, tableware, cutlery staff in front of guests in advance tembihli they were outside the pasha. Dip a soft and juicy melon melons spoon easily when it comes to eating pasha, the work of other guests to eat melons and monitors fork and knife to shed hair laughing like a hyena. Guests remember the earlier attitude and want to spoon apologizing Vefik Ahmet Pasha (This is an interesting story, 17 October 1953 Hometown newspaper Vatan İlavesi'nde "Running Excise milieu: Kırkağaç" was published with the title and the signature of A. Emin Yalman) .
Kırkağaç melon flavor even been the subject of poems. Here
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